Who doesn’t want a baby? They are the coolness of eyes. They spread happiness like no one else. But at times when normal pregnancy becomes a troubling question, it’s quite natural to feel devastated. It also means that it is time to start thinking about methods like IVF. Over the past few decades, IVF has blessed many families with healthy babies. It has been a solution for their long years of sadness. Aim of this article is to provide an insight into the method known as in vitro fertilization. Apart from it, we are also focusing on the right time to consider IVF.

What is IVF?

IVF is also called as ‘planned pregnancy’. It is the most popular method among assisted reproductive technologies. The procedure includes both medication and surgery. Medication is to make the eggs mature. Only then it will be ready for fertilization. The ovum or the egg is taken out of the body. It fuses with the sperm, outside in the laboratory. Optimal conditions are arranged for the fusion. Once the fusion takes place, the fertilized eggs; which can be called as embryos are transferred back into the polype utérin cause directly. Pregnancy can be confirmed only when the embryo gets implanted to the uterine lining.

Points to Remember About IVF

Advantages of IVF

When to Consider IVF

One needs to prep both her life and body for welcoming a baby. It is a decision that one should think very well. With IVF you have the option of having a baby at the time you feel right. You can start counting on in vitro fertilization if you have problems with your reproductive organs or the natural IVF cycle.

Suppose, you have problems such as low sperm count, endometriosis or polycystic ovary syndrome, then you can start thinking about IVF. You can either depend upon a donor for egg or sperm. If you think you will pass on any type of hereditary disease to the baby, then you can seek the help of a donor after checking his background and family chain.

It is very important to find the best doctor. Expertise and skill play a very prominent role in IVF treatment. More than 5 million babies have come to this world through in vitro fertilization treatment through in vitro fertilization. If women above thirty-five years of age haven’t gotten pregnant after six months of trying, then its time they start considering the method of IVF.

Before beginning the medical procedures of in vitro fertilization, you must do certain check-ups and the whole process will depend upon the result of the evaluation. If the issue is a meager one and doesn’t need IVF, then chances are that the doctors will prescribe another fertility treatment method such as artificial insemination. If the problem is complex, then the doctors may get straight into the procedures of IVF.

The success rate of IVF treatment varies according to age. The success rate is 50 percent for women under the age of thirty-five. It is only 10 percent when it comes to women above the age of forty-three. The clinic or the hospital is just as much important as the doctor. Try to pick a hospital, which has many success stories to tell.

Talk with the experts and friends and pick the finest fertility treatment clinic. IVF treatment can take a bit a lot of time. It can vary from two to three months. It depends upon the complexity of the problem as well as on the treatment method adopted by each clinic.

Learn deeply about the clinic before starting the treatment. Certain clinics do not accept all patients. Inquire all the details regarding the mode of treatment and the way they do it. Make sure that the clinic has all the facilities required for the treatment, and check if they possess enough knowledge about the same.  You cannot take a chance with your health, and the baby. You have to be well aware of every step of the procedure.

Conclusion –

At Montreal fertility clinic, you can have the best treatment. This platform is having the most efficient and educated doctors who can give wings to your dreams. They know how much you long for your baby, and that’s why they are here. Over the past years, they have fulfilled the dreams of many. They won’t force you to pick them. You are free to compare with other fertility clinics around. Choose that which you feel is the best for your baby. Imparting smiles is our job, and they do that perfectly well.

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