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13 things that cause the menstrual cycle to change dates

Are you experiencing changes in your menstrual cycle dates? It’s typical to get irregular periods occasionally. However, if a person frequently experiences irregular or very short menstrual cycles, cycles that vary from month to month, or missed periods, this may signify a more serious health problem.

Monitoring your monthly cycles can help you determine what’s typical for you, determine when ovulation occurs, and spot significant abnormalities like missed periods or erratic menstrual blood.

You can seek help from a gynecologist at Sahyadri Hospital Hadapsar if you are worried about your menstrual cycle dates.

What causes the menstrual cycle to change dates?

There can be several reasons behind the changing of menstrual cycle dates, and only a gynecologist can pinpoint what causes the menstrual cycle to change dates for you. However, here we have gathered a few common reasons that cause the menstrual cycle to change dates.

A woman’s menstrual cycle may be impacted by considerable weight gain or loss, dieting, modifications to her exercise regimen, travel, illness, or other interruptions in her daily routine.

A missed period might be a symptom of pregnancy at an early stage. Typically, breastfeeding postpones the onset of menstruation following pregnancy.

Most birth control pills combine the hormones progestin and estrogen (some contain progestin alone). The drugs stop the ovaries from producing eggs, which prevents conception. Menstruation may change if you start or stop taking birth control.

After stopping birth control tablets, some women experience irregular or skipped periods for up to six months. It is a crucial factor to consider when you want to get pregnant. Progestin-only birth control pill users may have bleeding in between cycles.

Small benign (noncancerous) growths in the uterine lining are known as uterine polyps. Tumors called uterine fibroids attach to the uterine wall. There could be one or more fibroids, which can range in size from an apple seed to a grapefruit.

Although these tumors are mostly benign, they can be painful and produce significant bleeding during periods. Large fibroids may impose pressure on the bladder or rectum and hurt if they do.

Every month, the endometrial tissue that borders the uterus degrades and goes out of the body along with the menstrual flow; when endometrial tissue begins to increase outside of the uterus, endometriosis results. The endometrial tissue frequently adheres to the fallopian tubes or ovaries.

It can occasionally grow on the intestines or other lower digestive system organs and in the region between your rectum and uterus. Endometriosis can result in irregular bleeding, unpleasant intercourse, and cramps or pain before and during periods.

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a bacterial infection that impacts the female reproductive mechanism. Bacteria may spread from the vagina through intercourse to the uterus and upper genital tract.

Additionally, after gynecological surgeries, childbirth, miscarriage, or abortion, bacteria may reach the reproductive tract. A copious vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor, pelvic and lower abdominal pain, nausea, irregular periods, fever, vomiting, or diarrhea are all signs of PID.

The ovaries produce excessive androgens, male hormones, in people with the polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). The ovaries can develop tiny sacs (cysts) loaded with fluid. These are frequently visible on an ultrasound. 

Ovulation might not happen regularly because hormonal changes may stop the eggs from developing. A woman with polycystic ovary syndrome may occasionally experience irregular menstrual cycles or full menopause. 

Additionally, the disorder is connected to hirsutism, obesity, and infertility (excessive hair growth and acne). Although the precise etiology is uncertain, this illness might happen due to an imbalance in hormones.

Women under the age of 40 with abnormally functioning ovaries experience this syndrome. Similar to menopause, the menstrual cycle comes to an end.

This can happen if you have a family history of premature ovarian insufficiency, specific chromosomal abnormalities, or cancer that is being treated with chemotherapy and radiation. Consult your doctor if this issue develops.

Perimenopause, the first stage of menopause, starts 4–8 years before menopause does, typically in a woman’s 40s.

The menstrual period may occasionally lengthen or shorten during perimenopause. Periods eventually become less frequent and eventually stop when menopause sets in.

Period irregularities are linked to high-stress levels, verified in 2021 by researchers looking back at cycle regularity during the COVID-19 epidemic.

During the global pandemic, 54 percent of the 210 participants reported alterations in their menstrual cycles. Longer, heavier periods were more common in those who self-reported being under more stress.

The body releases stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol when a person is stressed. These might affect the sex hormones that control menstruation.

The butterfly-shaped thyroid gland in the neck makes thyroid hormones. These impact the menstrual cycle.

The thyroid gland does not generate enough hormones when hypothyroidism, an underactive thyroid, is present. It may result in longer, heavier cycles. Fatigue, sensitivity to the cold, and weight gain are further signs.

Shorter and lighter periods may result from hyperthyroidism and an overactive thyroid. Unexpected weight loss, anxiety, and heart palpitations are some symptoms that a person with this illness may encounter.

Periods may become irregular or cease if a person loses much weight quickly. When you are underweight, specific brain regions quit secreting the hormones that affect the menstrual cycle. Hypothalamic amenorrhea is the medical name for it, and it causes an estrogen shortage.

An excessive activity might also affect the hormones that control menstruation. Female dancers, athletes, and others who train hard may experience this. A person may experience the “female athlete triad” if they engage in rigorous exercise and a limited diet.


When should I start to be concerned about my irregular periods?

If you’ve always had slightly irregular periods or are still in adolescence, you don’t need to see a doctor. However, consult a doctor if you’re under 45 and your periods start to change unexpectedly. More frequently than every 21 days or fewer frequently than every 35 days, you experience periods.

Are irregular menstrual cycles a severe issue?

Occasionally having an irregular period is not that serious. Get checked out by your OB-GYN to rule out far more severe causes, such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) or difficulties from an ectopic pregnancy, if your cycle is persistently irregular.

Can You Rectify Irregular Periods?

Try stress-reduction strategies, including meditation, yoga, tai chi, visualization, cognitive behavioral therapy, and biofeedback if stress is the cause of your irregular cycle. 


A lot of women experience irregular period dates. While there might not be a severe medical condition behind what causes the menstrual cycle to change dates, it can not harm you if you consult a doctor about this. You can consult a gynecologist at Sahyadri Hospital Hadapsar. Early detection of any medical issue can give your treatment a head start.

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