Poor posture, also commonly known as “slouching,” restricts a person’s capacity to perform tasks sufficiently opposed to when our spine is straightened. Although many of us have fallen victim to this “comfortable” position at the office or in class, there is a high probability that you can eventually suffer from our lack of good posture. It’s hard to put a stop to bad habits so it is suggested to consult a physical therapist to help enhance and prevent further complications.

If you are experiencing back pain, improving your posture is improbable to label the root cause of your pain, but it can help reduce muscle tension. It may feel a little weird when correcting your posture at first because your body has become so used to sitting and standing in certain ways. However, with some practice and consistency, good posture will become second nature and be a solution to helping your back in the long term. 

Having bad posture can get a hold on a huge cost on your spine, hips, shoulders, and knees. As a matter of fact, it can even cause a flow of structural flaws that end up in acute problems, including joint pain throughout your body, lessen flexibility, and compromised muscles, all of which can lessen your ability to burn fat and build strength.  

Good news is that all these problems can be corrected. As you read this article, get ready to straighten yourself out! You may consider using our head-to-toes guide to make sure your posture is picture-perfect. 

 #1 Avoid Slouching in a Chair 

Although slouching can place strain on sensitised muscles and soft tissues over time. Make it into a habit of sitting correctly. You are going to feel uncomfortable at first because your muscles have not been conditioned to support you in the correct position. 

There are particular exercises that will strengthen your core and buttock muscles, and back extensions will help perfect a slouching posture. Here is the list of how you can correct a slumping posture: 

#2 Straighten Up 

One of the best ways to prevent posture problems is to stand up tall. You’ll look better and appear nicer. Try pretending that you’re standing against a wall to measure your height. Then hold your head straight and tuck in your chin. Your ears should be over the middle of your shoulders. Stand with your shoulders back, knees straight, and belly tucked in. Avoid letting your booty or hips sticking out. Prevent your booty or hips stick out. Straighten up so you feel like your head stretches toward the sky. Think tall! 

#3 Don’t Stand Up With a Flat Back 

A person with a flat back means your pelvis is tucked in and your lower back is straight instead of normally curved, resulting for your stoop forward. If you have a flat back usually you find it difficult to stand for long periods. This posture is commonly caused by muscle imbalances, which motivate you to adopt such a position. When you sit down for a long period, it can also contribute to a flat back.  

Having a flat back often tends to make you lean your neck and head forwards, which can lead to neck and upper back strain. You must focus on exercises that can strengthen your core, buttocks, neck and rear shoulder muscles, and back extensions, are recommended to help correct a flat back. Here are the exercises that will correct a flat back: 

#4 Hunchig Back and Doing the “Text Neck” 


When you are hunching over your keyboard, it’s usually an indication that you have a tight chest and a weak upper back stiffness. Avoid hunching over a computer, your head may tend to lean forward, which can lead to poor posture. Even using a mobile can cause the same problems known as “text neck.” 

You may do upper back, neck, and rear shoulder strengthening exercises, chest stretches and neck posture drills are suggested to help correct a hunched back. Here are some of those exercises: 

#5 Poking Your Chin 

The poking chin posture is a result of sitting too low, a screen set too high, a hunched back, or a combination of all 3. To correct a poking chin comes with improving your sitting habits and exercises to correct your posture. Here are ways how you can correct a poking chin: 

#6 Never Be a Low-Rider 

It feels comfy and great to recline during a long drive, but it isn’t good for your posture. You should pull your seat close to the steering wheel. Don’t even lock your legs. Bend your knees a little. Keep them at a hip level or a tad above. You put a pillow or rolled-up towel behind you for support. 

#7 Save the Heels for a Glam Night Out 


Heels are definitely a powerful statement, but they’re likely a posture no. Stilettos and pumps thrust the base of your spine forward, which over-arches your back. This can change the way your backbone lines up and put pressure on nerves, which causes back pain. Unduly high heels can put more weight on your knees. Opt for a lower, chunky heel for daily wear. 

#8 Sleep the Right Way 

Naptime is not even an excuse to be lazy. You may skip the soft, saggy mattress. You opt for a firm one that helps hold on your spine’s natural shape. If you’re a side sleeper, you can bend your knees slightly but avoid hugging them. Meanwhile, if you’re a back sleeper you should ditch the thick pillow and choose a small one under the neck. 

#9 Try Osteopathy 

If you want a fast and effective solution to your postural problems, you may try a safe and effective (Osteopathy). This therapy uses various techniques such as: 

Undergoing osteopathy reduces the tension held in the muscles, heel pain and improves the movement of the joints to prevent pain. 

Author Bio: Ivandea Ollero is a daytime writer for Sports Medicine Clinic, a health clinic that focuses their treatments on Osteopathy. Their treatments are safe, effective, and aimed at looking at the cause of the injury. Ivandrea is also a content crafter who researches and writes custom content about travel, fashion, finance, business, home improvements, health, and beauty in order to provide helpful information and tips for her readers. She graduated from St. Scholastica’s College, Manila, with a Bachelor’s Degree in Broadcast Journalism in 2016.

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