Endometriosis is a chronic disease in which tissue that normally lines the interior of the uterus develops outside of the uterus. This disorder can lead to severe pain during periods, sex, urination, and/or bowel movements. It may also be the cause of other symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, and mental health issues. Depending on where the tissue is located, it can sometimes create fertility issues. 

Endometriosis affects around 10% of females of reproductive age worldwide. However, because there are many misconceptions about endometriosis, people with this disease often experience a delay in diagnosis. Here is a list of six debunked myths about endometriosis that you shouldn’t believe in.

1. Endometriosis is just a painful menstrual period

Many women have heavy bleeding and significant pain during their periods as a result of endometriosis, adenomyosis, and uterine fibroids. Painful periods, on the other hand, may not necessarily indicate the existence of the condition. Endometriosis can cause a variety of symptoms and hazards in addition to painful cramping.  

Women with endometriosis patients often experience so severe menstrual periods that they interfere with attending school, working, doing other daily duties, or maintaining a normal social life. However, this is not normal.   Endometriosis is more than simply severe period cramps.

2. Endometriosis can only be inherited

Although certain genetic risk factors appear to be, the causes of endometriosis are considered too complicated to be attributed simply to genes. Many scientists believe it is related to retrograde menstruation, which occurs during your period when tissue that lining the interior of your uterus flows out in the incorrect direction, through your fallopian tubes.

3. Endometriosis only affects older women

There are many doctors that still assume that endometriosis is uncommon in teens and young women. As a result, when girls and young women go to them with symptoms such as period pain, pelvic pain, and painful intercourse, they don’t actually consider endometriosis. However, according to other research, two-thirds of women sought care for their symptoms before the age of 30, with many suffering symptoms as early as the start of their first menstruation. 

Teenagers and young women in their early twenties are not too young to have endometriosis. In fact, most women experience symptoms throughout adolescence but are not recognized or treated until they are in their twenties or thirties.

4. Endometriosis impacts only the pelvic organs

The most typical sites for endometriosis growths are within the pelvis, such as the uterine surface, bladder, or fallopian tubes. Endo may, however, arise elsewhere in the body. Endometriosis growths have occasionally been seen in distant organs including the lungs or even the brain.

5. Pregnancy can cure endometriosis

Pregnancy, like hormonal medications, can alleviate symptoms of endometriosis. However, it doesn’t cure the illness. Endometriosis has no known cure. Nonetheless, pregnancy alters hormone levels. Because of this hormonal variance, people may experience varying amounts of discomfort after delivering a child. 

Some women may have improvements in symptoms during pregnancy, while others do not, and still, others may experience a worsening of endometriosis symptoms. Moreover, pregnancy doesn’t benefit women with endometriosis. Researches indicate that although some endometriosis lesions shrink, others stay constant or even grow.

6. Endometriosis always causes infertility

Many women believe that having endometriosis indicates they will become infertile. This is not the case, as the majority of women with endometriosis have children. In general, the chance of reproductive issues is thought to grow with the severity of the condition and, as in women without endometriosis, with age. It is often estimated that 60-70% of endometriosis patients are fertile.

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