Menstruation is an annoying but predictable phenomenon. When your cycle went astray and pregnancy was not part of the plans, the wait can unsettle you. There are many reasons why menstruation does not start on time and they have nothing to do with pregnancy. If you have observed a cycle failure for several months, you should immediately consult a gynecologist to exclude the occurrence of infections, cysts or any other inflammations. 

If this is the first time your period is late and a pregnancy test is negative, we will tell you about other possible reasons for the delay of menstruation. Perhaps something happened to you this month and it’s too early to panic.

1. Stress

One of the most common causes of delayed menstruation is stress. In a stressful situation, the level of cortisol in the body rises and this hormone can cause delays in ovulation or even its suppression. As a result, we get a vicious circle when you worry about the delay of menstruation and the level of cortisol is maintained. If you have are going through a difficult time now or experiencing increased anxiety, give yourself a little rest and be patient.

2. Thyroid Problems

If your thyroid gland is excessively enlarged, this condition is called hyperthyroidism and it can shorten the duration of your period. The opposite state is called hypothyroidism and it can prolong menstruation and create many other symptoms. In both cases, changes in the thyroid gland lead to an irregular cycle, create delays or even missed periods. By the way, thyroid problems can affect your energy level, mood, and even your heart rate, so these symptoms should not be ignored.

3. Birth Control Pills

If you take birth control pills and suddenly encountered a late period, it does not mean that something has gone wrong and you are pregnant. Perhaps the reason is the change in the endometrial layer under the influence of hormones. 

When the layer becomes thinner, your menstruation will be easier. But the use of such drugs can also bring the endometrium to a state where there will be nothing to get rid of, which means that menstruation will not occur. You should not worry, especially if you regularly visit the best gynecologist and adhere to your birth control plan. 

4. Emergency Contraception

The dose of synthetic progesterone called Plan B not only prevents pregnancy but also affects your cycle. There’s no cause for alarm if you don’t get your period after taking emergency contraception because Plan B delays ovulation and this may result in changes in your menstrual cycle. 

The fact that you can take Plan B at any time of the month is amazing, but when you take it, you may experience some side effects. If the delay lasts about a week, you can do an additional pregnancy test to get rid of any doubts.

5. Changes in Lifestyle and Place of Residence

Any serious changes in your life that are slightly related to negative emotions can also lead to hormonal failure and delayed menstruation. If this month you changed your place of residence to a spacious apartment, significantly lost weight or broke off a toxic relationship, this can also lead to a delay in menstruation.

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