With advancement in medical technology, assisted reproduction techniques like In-vitro Fertilization (IVF) are gradually gaining popularity among couples trying to conceive. According to Dubai-based IVF consultant Dr Gautam Allahbadia, there are some benefits unique to IVF procedures which are often overlooked:

1. Per-cycle success rates

In a number of cases, doctors recommend a number of other fertility treatments before IVF – the treatment is reserved for few selected couples who fail to conceive through any other method. The per-cycle success rates are higher with assisted reproduction, suggests Dr Allahbadia.

2. Almost no limitations to applications

Another benefit of IVF is that the number of barriers to its implementation is quite limited – it isn’t restricted merely to the issues faced by women such as severe endometriosis, blocked fallopian tubes, or frozen pelvis. The procedure can bring the joy of parenthood to couples with severe male factor infertility as well. Men suffering from problems like absence of sperms in semen but presence of testicular sperm, or very low sperm counts can also benefit from IVF or ICSI.

3. Third party reproduction

IVF is the only Assisted Reproductive Technique that can make use of a third party through donated eggs, uterus and sperm. “Sometimes, if there is a problem in the production of eggs, it is suggested to use donated eggs. In such cases, IVF treatment is the only viable option, as the egg and sperm are fertilised outside the body, before they are placed inside a woman’s uterus,” explains Dr Gautam Allahbadia, who heads the IVF team at Millennium Medical Centre (MMC) IVF, Dubai.

4. Preservation of female fertility

Women who are passionate and more focused upon their career often lose track of the ticking biological clock. By the time they begin planning a baby, their fertility rate fails to co-operate. Through cryopreservation / egg freezing at an early age, women can opt for conceiving a baby through IVF later in life.

5. Elimination of genetic diseases

Older women are prone to a lot of chromosomal abnormalities, resulting in genetically abnormal embryos. These embryos either fail to implant to the uterus, or cause early abortions and in some cases, abnormalities in babies. IVF enables the selection of healthy embryos for implantation through pre-implantation genetic screening (PGD). Genetic diseases or mitochondrial diseases running in families can also be eliminated by this method.

As an IVF consultant from mumbai, Dr Gautam Allahbadia is of the opinion that IVF treatment definitely holds an edge over other assisted reproductive techniques.

Source- https://www.freepressjournal.in/health/the-overlooked-benefits-of-assisted-reproduction-dr-gautam-allahbadia-talks-about-the-advantages-of-ivf-treatment


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