When you have an elderly loved one or are a senior, you need services offered by home care agencies. A reputable agency helps improve or maintain good health. Additionally, some offer special services for seniors. The ideal agency is one devoted to helping seniors including those with disabilities. Seniors and those approaching senior years should understand how a health care agency can improve your life. The elderly need a great deal of help compared to younger folks. Read on to discover some of the services offered by health care agencies focusing on improving the lives of seniors.

Home care

This service offers care a senior receives from spending time in an elderly care facility but this time in the comfort of their home. With this, the services are customized to meet your needs. Additionally, home care comes with keen attention to your needs unlike in a facility with a lot of people who need similar attention.

Personal care

This service entails 24/7 housing for a senior or individual with a disability. The caregiver encourages independent living for the senior. Some of the personal care services including assistance or supervision during administration of medication, visits to the medical office, ambulation and transfer. The care giver also offers assistance to make daily living easier including:

Food services
Laundry services


Elderly home care is not the same as personal care. Some seniors can manage activities for daily living. However, trouble comes when it comes to managing their homes. The work just seems to become so overwhelming. You can contact an all American homecare agency in Philadelphia for a friendly caregiver to handle tasks like doing the laundry and vacuuming. The caregiver will always be handy to handle chores and errands to make life easier.


Being healthy is more than a physical condition. It is mental as well. Some seniors never get a chance to discuss mental health while growing up. This inhibits getting necessary help sometimes. Keep in mind that there is also a chance of living away from your family and friends. Some even live secluded from society. Exposure to intense loneliness encourages depression. Luckily, you can get a companion from a home care agency to be there for those lonesome moments.

The companion from a homecare agency comes with experience and knowledge to evaluate mental state. A companion caregiver will come to your home and chat with you. This allows talking about your problems to someone who listens. Having companionship stimulates the mind and offers an opportunity to interact with the outside world.

In-home care

For seniors who detest leaving their homes to live in a senior care facility, a caregiver can come to your home. Living in an elderly community might not be practical for you or quite expensive. Fortunately, you can contact a homecare agency for a caregiver to offer in-home care. This comes with receiving the care you need from the comfort of your home. having everything you need in a familiar environment is more stimulating than going into an unfamiliar environment.

Supplemental healthcare

Sometimes seniors can’t get the care they need in a senior facility. Perhaps their needs have evolved. In this case, a homecare agency is the best bet to provide a caregiver to offer the necessary care. In other cases, senior care facilities outsource homecare givers to offer supplement healthcare services. This ensures that the facility meets its staffing needs and gets relief from some of the work.

Why living alone without a caregiver is unsafe for seniors

Seniors have to remain healthy, safe, and secure. You need the right setting in your home to achieve this. The ideal home should match your physical and mental needs. This is necessary, especially when having memory loss, sigh problems, or other cognitive problems. Having such conditions makes grooming, cooking, or doing the laundry hard by yourself.

A home has various hazards that make seniors prone to accidents. These might cause severe injuries and loss of lives. Falls are serious threats to seniors with the possibility of causing significant damage to your brittle bones. Keep in mind that breaking a hip is a fatal condition for aged folks.

Here are tell-tale signs that you need a caregiver:

Having eyesight problems
Not eating well
Inability to get out and socialize with family and friends
Problems managing your medication schedule
Inability to handle general chores around your home
Failing to pay bills in a timely manner

Bottom line

When reaching senior years or have an elderly loved one, the services of a professional homecare agency come in handy to make their life better. Services such as helping with daily chores like grooming, toileting, cooking, and tidying up the house enhance the lives of seniors. A dedicated caregiver is always handy to help you when you need assistance the most. This makes life easier and extends your life.

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