Micropigmentation of the scalp is a new technique that involves coloring the scalp with medical and cosmetic tattooing to create the illusion of a hairstyle for baldness or visually increase the density of a thinned hairline. This procedure can also be performed to hide scars after a hair transplant or in the treatment of hair loss due to skin problems such as focal alopecia. Next, we will tell all the details about what micro pigmentation is.

What is micro-pigmentation of the head and how is it performed?

As we mentioned earlier, micro-pigmentation of the head (PGM) can be considered similar to tattooing, because it is based on the fact that the scalp consists of the same layers like the skin that covers the entire body. However, unlike traditional tattooing, with micro-pigmentation of hair, colored pigments are introduced into the first layer of the skin, and not into the second. In addition, in this procedure, not permanent dyes are used, but anti-allergic pigments that do not cause side effects.

The dye that we use for PGM is extracted from the madder plant, which is the basis of almost every dye and is used in many industries, for example, textiles. At the same time, we want to note that medical pigments are produced in laboratories, and they contain special materials that are suitable for skin tissues.

Micropigmentation of the scalp is performed in two or three sessions. Each session takes a couple of hours, and the result lasts from 1 to 3 years. But over time, the color of the pigment fades, so you will have to perform PGM again.

Can I use PGM instead of a hair transplant?

Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure that involves the selection of hair follicles from the back of the scalp – the donor area and their implantation in the area of ​​baldness (implantation zone). After a few months, the transplanted hair begins to grow, and new hair covers the bald spots. The main condition for this operation is the presence of a large donor area with a sufficient number of follicles.

In some cases, hair follicles in the donor area may not be enough for transplantation, therefore, in this situation, the patient needs to look for other solutions, for example, using artificial hair or hair extensions, because hair problems can cause psychological problems. It is in such situations that the micro-pigmentation technique can be a good alternative for patients who cannot receive a hair transplant.

We recommend using the IPY methodology in such cases:

If there are not enough hair follicles in the donor area or the patient suffers from complete hair loss, if the donor area has a slow hair growth rate, and we cannot select transplants, or if the patient has a large area of ​​baldness.

Early hair loss: in these cases, we cannot perform a graft transplant due to early hair loss.

Micropigmentation of the scalp to mask scars: we can use the PGM technique to hide scars from previous operations, for example, if the FUT method was used for hair transplantation.

After the first hair transplant: sometimes the grafts of hair that we take from the donor area may not be enough, so we need a second treatment option to visually increase the density of the hairline. As a result, we combine the surgical method of hair transplantation with PGM.

For patients with alopecia: the PGM method is a good way to mask areas of the scalp on which the hair fell out as a result of the disease

Hair transplantation or micro-pigmentation of the scalp: what to choose?

Hair transplantation is great if you have many viable hair follicles in the donor area. However, in this case, you may have some problems. On the other hand, PGM is considered a very effective method of masking hair loss in the cases that we mentioned earlier. You should keep in mind that with this technique you will not really get your hair back, while a hair transplant in India will give you the real hair that you probably dreamed about.

Whether you want stylish hair or not – that’s the question!

The main question, the answer to which will help you decide which method is best for you, is whether you want stylish hair or not. If you prefer to have a good and natural look, hair transplantation in India is the best choice, but its effectiveness will depend on the characteristics of the donor area.

However, if the patient has complete or almost complete baldness, we prefer not to have a hair transplant, since there are not enough hair follicles in the donor area. In any case, you should consider that during hair transplantation you will have real hair that can be styled, and micro-pigmentation of the scalp is just an ink coating that you cannot change as if it were real hair.

What risks may accompany micro-pigmentation?

In fact, IPY is a very safe method and, until now, experts have not reported serious side effects. In addition, this method will not damage your hair follicles, since colored pigments are located in the first layer of the skin, and the follicles lie much deeper in the scalp.

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