Congratulations on becoming a parent for the first time! Now that you are ready to embrace parenthood, you need to start looking ahead and preparing for the extraordinary journey. From buying baby lotion online from brands like Mamaearth to baby clothes available in Dubai UAE, the journey is never-ending. As a parent for the first time ever, the greatest difficulty is to know where to start. For this, you should list down the key things that you need to buy in terms of categories. Whether you buy a Mamaearth Baby Lotion Online or a baby shampoo offline, you will get lost in the labyrinth without a guide. Thus, we have curated a list of baby essentials that will help you sail through this amazing journey as a first-time parent effortlessly:


Baby clothes are available in different sizes based on your baby’s age. The number of clothes you need to buy should be thrice of what you need as an adult. Your baby will soil the clothes, a lot more than you expect. Even spilling milk and food is sort of a hidden hobby that babies usually enjoy. So, you have to have dry clothes in handy, which will help you keep your baby dry and clean and prevent unnecessary cold and cough. 

Skincare and Haircare

Who said only adults need products? Yes, babies have their own range of skincare and haircare, and there are a few basic essentials that you must buy for your little one. To top the list, we would like to mention buying tear-free baby shampoo, baby body wash, and baby lotion online. You can try out the baby lotion from Mamaearth and explore their complete range of baby-friendly products that you can choose from. 


Yes, you will need many diapers initially to keep your baby clean. Read the diaper labels properly so that you don’t end up buying the plastic ones. Plant-based diapers are always better as they will keep your baby’s skin hydrated and rash-free. They also provide long hours of leak protection along with great absobtion. Don’t forget to regularly moisturize with baby lotion and dust with powder to prevent rashes.


Your baby would need a new crib or a baby bed to comfortably sleep in. Try to buy a bigger crib so that you don’t have to change it immediately when your baby starts to grow. You will need a waterproof crib mattress with multiple sheets that would need to be changed when soiled. The sheets should be comfortable and smooth. The comforter should be light in weight and baby-friendly. 

Apart from these, you will also need baby car seats, baby carriers, baby toys, and more. That pretty much sums up what you would need to raise a happy and healthy baby. Take it one step at a time, and you will not even realize how easily you will get accustomed to the new routine. However, ensure that your daily routine includes safe and natural baby lotion, shampoo, body wash, and the likes. You can check out the Mamaearth baby range and explore a wide variety of natural and MadeSafe Certified products.

As a parent, you will always desire to give your baby the best of the world; with natural products from brands like Mamaearth, now you can. Make sure to check out Mamaearth Baby Lotion enriched with shea butter and jojoba oil, suitable for all skin types. The baby lotion is dermatologically tested and contains no harmful ingredients. You can even read the reviews for Mamaearth Products in UAE online to fall in love with the brand even more! 

Cherish your and your baby’s massage time with the baby lotion to the fullest since you’ll remember them fondly once they grow older.


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